Angela Leslee - Writer

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Day 10 - Logroño, 14 miles

Today the wind had a voice…like a friendly ghost…. wooooo, causing the bushes to wave at me as I passed.  I have never really liked wind, but I’m finding that I am having a different relationship with the elements on this trip.  I am accepting them and adjusting, instead of thinking that Mother Nature has to bend her will to mine.  
So today it was time to venture off on my own again.  My two friends have a lot in common, and being the third wheel is never fun.  I can’t say that I made a conscious decision to do it, my body kind of made the decision for me.  We had a nice breakfast, I looked out the window and saw the village we would be heading towards.

We geared up and my legs just started walking at a fast pace…there was a light drizzle, and pretty high winds.  After walking through the beautiful old village, the path began to wind through the countryside again.

I could no longer see my friends behind me, but there were other pilgrims in front and behind, I felt very secure.

The terrain was again hilly, but now I seem to just take this in stride.  I talked to several people for a short while before walking on.  

I stopped in Viana for 2nd breakfast, ran into a couple from last night and had coffee, then Linda and John joined me, I had a delicious tapas.  

The rain held off as I walked the remaining 6 miles to Logrono.  As I was beginning to feel really tired, a very sweet guy from the Netherlands started walking with me and we chatted all the way into the city.   

I found my albergue following behind a young man from the US, our bunks are across from each other.  Our hostess showed us around then insisted we come sit in the kitchen and served us a cup of instant chicken noodle soup…mama!😄

I took off to deal with the communal shower scene…3 showers next to 2 toilets…coming out of the first was the young man from the US with a towel around his waist.. We’re both trying to be nonchalant as if we do this every day …

My new routine now involves hand washing my dirty clothes and hanging them outside to dry.

A woman from England and another from Denmark join us in the other bunks and we all go out for dinner.