Angela Leslee - Writer

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Day 25 - Reliegos, 13 miles

Sweet synchronicities…yesterday I met a woman from Holland, Annie (pronounced Ah nee)…our discovery of a deep connection on a soul level, was emotional and powerful for both of us.  We arrived at the albergue at the same time and agreed to a private double room…we spent the day together resting from our injuries, and it soon became apparent we had much in common…and not just in this lifetime…

We were both planning on only walking 5 miles today, so ended up taking till 10pm, late by Camino standards…we were both in tears several times…we helped each other reconnect to bigger purposes for doing this walk, and how unimportant many of the details actually are.

Breakfast was another tearful event, even our Spanish only speaking, hostess couldn’t miss what was going on and gave us both big hugs and kisses as we left, we thanked her for holding such a healing space.

We immediately parted ways as her leg was almost completely healed, and I am still walking slowly…we both needed the alone time anyway.

The path today followed along a country road with zero traffic… And for an hour, I literally saw no person or car…my gratitude at being able to walk again, albeit slowly, overshadowed my still sore foot…I felt as if I could do this every day, just walk for miles…

At the next town, 5 miles, 2 hours later (seemed like a miracle that I had walked that fast). I saw Annie again, we enjoyed a French toast kind of delicacy for second breakfast, then she went to look for a room, and I for a taxi… As due to time constraints and being held back by my feet, I will need to skip about 25-30 miles between today and tomorrow…it has been easy to come to terms with this slight change in plans, as our Angels had to work hard to put us both in the same place and time to reconnect😇

A Templar cross on the path today