Camino 2024 - Day 9 - Navarette

So, today I crested a hill and ahead of me was the town I plan to sleep in tonight. I took out my phone to check my mileage and how much further I had to go. And what occurred to me was how easy it is to become destination oriented on the Camino.

Navarette in the distance

Then this reminded me of a conversation I had several days ago with another pilgrim. We were talking about goals, and our conflicted relationship with them. She said some thing that really stuck with me. Goals force you to become focused on a single path. This can be good if you know for sure what you want, it can keep you laser-focused, and help you attain it. The downside is, that it narrows your focus and you are no longer as open to other possibilities, and you may miss opportunities without realizing it. I had never thought of it this way before, but it helped me to understand why I have always been a little resistant toward making five-year plans and 10 year plans.

I think there are times to have a goal, and then there are times to be more open to what the universe has in store for you. I suppose balance is the key.

The Camino is a place where you become destination oriented because you have a goal of where you want to go to today. The challenge is to remain open as you are walking, to everything around you and not only think about where you are going.

Leaving Logrono through a lovely park.

The shadows are the only picture I have of this lovely couple that I walked with for a while today.

The site of a pilgrim Hospital (which I believe is more of a hostal than medical) from 1185. This was at the entrance to Navarrette, and even though I had to pee really badly, I went down and sat on the stones for a while.

My albergue tonight, i’ll spare you pictures of the bunkbeds. It’s the same as other nights. The special thing about this place though is it is right next to my favorite church on the Camino.

I walked around and sat in here for about an hour. When the altar is lit up, it is absolutely breathtaking. The energy was incredibly peaceful.


Camino 2024 - Day 8 - Logroño


Camino 2024 - Day 7 - Viana