Angela Leslee - Writer

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Camino 2024 - Day 7 - Viana

I am realizing/remembering that the Camino isn’t all fun and games. I find that the nights are the hardest. They are a time I wish I could propel myself back to my own bed for the night and get a good nights sleep.

In the morning, I wake up, and cannot wait to get started. I step into the fresh air, start walking out into the village and then into nature, and I am filled with joy, and a spring in my step,  for what the day holds.

But later, especially if it is a long day and I am struggling, I wonder what the heck I’m doing here sometimes.

Today, some thing that my granddaughter Lylah said to me in a text a few days ago when she saw my blog, “Nana, you’ve got this.” Came to me several times today and helped get me through some challenging places.

The ups and downs are obviously all part of it, but it was something that I was musing on today.

There was a massive thunderstorm last night, and I made my peace with the fact that I may need to take a taxi instead of walk today. But when I woke up, fortunately it had blown over.

This morning was 20° cooler than the day before, windy and overcast. A perfect day for walking, and trying out my new raincoat

After a fairly easy 5 mile walk, I come upon the first village. – Torres del Rio, and I find a Cafe con Leche, a marvelous breakfast sandwich.(bocadilla) and a new friend. we decide to meet later this evening for dinner as we are staying in the same place.

The following 6+ miles, is sometimes called the ‘knee wrecker’, due to the intensity of all the ups and downs

This was a particularly heinous ‘up’

This is a delightful Italian pair, a grandfather and his granddaughter. Periodically they would sing softly together. I met them at dinner last night, cute as can be. It is a dream of mine to walk with one or more of my grandchildren one day

This is a delightful Italian pair, a grandfather and his granddaughter. Periodically they would sing softly together. I met them at dinner last night, cute as can be. It is a dream of mine to walk with one or more of my grandchildren one day

Here you get a sense of the trail as it winds back-and-forth going down a particularly steep section, and you can see it on the other side.

Random stone structure for the day.

I had just been thinking I desperately needed to sit down and take my shoes off for 15 minutes. And a little oasis manifested in front of me.

Good thing, because the steep section was not done with me yet.

Entering the lovely town of Viana, where I have a room booked in a small private hotel. I am shocked at how beautiful it is for just $60 per night. Hotel de Palacio. And yes, it is across the street from the ruins of an old, old palace. See next picture

The roof was gone, but here’s a pano view of the inside.

Oh my god there’s a bath, and I don’t have to share it with anyone tonight.

A new friend, Anja from Germany. We walked around the town a little, and had a delightful dinner. We may see each other again tomorrow, maybe not. You never know what the Camino has in store for you.