Angela Leslee - Writer

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Pre Camino Symptoms

18 days until I leave for the Camino and I find myself afflicted by a deep sense of inner peace, an unshakeable inner stillness.

After all my years of seeking spiritual evolution including this place of deep inner peace, of reading books, workshops, silent retreats, you name it, I tried it.  Turns out all I had to do was plan a journey halfway across the world to walk 500 miles in six weeks.

There is still a lot of uncertainty as to the big ‘why’ of this journey, only a strong compelling need to do it.  When asked where the idea came from, to say that I read a book and knew instantly I needed to do it,  feels a little mundane, a little trite even, however therein lies the truth of it.

One irony is that while for the past 6 months I have felt an almost obsessive need to read as many books as I could get my hands on, research equipment and do as much prep ahead of time as possible, I find I cannot plan beyond the first two days of my pilgrimage.  While many choose to guess how many miles they will walk each day, then make accommodation reservations accordingly, I get a complete flat line to do that.  While this certainly adds a certain amount of security (you know you have a bed for the night), I find myself very resistant to having a schedule that I must conform to like I do in my daily life.  This feels like an opportunity to step outside of that for 6 weeks.

For most of the journey, there are little villages that cater almost exclusively to the Pilgrims (what people that walk the Camino are referred to as) every 5-7 kilometers (3-5 miles) so it is possible and for many desirable, to walk each day until you are ready to hang up your boots for the night.

I know that I need to now just trust my angels, walk this walk and surrender to what the universe has in store for me.